Welcome to SEARCH Twin Cities

The Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul is the place where it all comes together in Minnesota. The Twin Cities sit at the confluence of three rivers—the Mississippi, Minnesota, and St. Croix. It is where European settlers of every stripe came together—Scandinavians primarily in Minneapolis, and French, German, and Irish in St. Paul. Today, it’s where Search brings together people from every background and belief to encourage them to take a next step toward God. Search has been active in this vibrant, growing metro area since 2003! Are you looking for a safe place to ask questions, find answers, and have meaningful conversations? Connect with Area Director Brian DeVries for more details about what’s happening in the Twin Cities!

Brian De Vries min
Brian DeVries
Area Director
Meet Brian
Tanner morgan headshot square
Tanner Morgan
Area Staff
Meet Tanner
Quote Leaf

“Why do you care so much about what I believe?”

Question posed by a particpant in one of our groups after months of conversations.

Invest in SEARCH
Twin Cities

We are a registered 501 (c)(3) and as such all donations are tax deductible as allowed by law.

SEARCH Twin Cities is funded by friends like you who share our vision.

To give via check or online banking:

SEARCH Ministries
P.O. Box 165029
Fort Worth, TX 76161-5029

Please designate “Twin Cities” in the memo line.

To give appreciated assets, like stocks or bonds, or to give from a foundation, please email our national office or call 800-617-3272.