Welcome to SEARCH Nashville

The SEARCH team has served the Nashville community since 1994—and we’re growing! In fact, Music City is the fifth-fastest-growing metro area in the United States. The city can boast many other fun facts as well—the birthplace of cotton candy, the Moon Pie and Mountain Dew, and the home of the world’s oldest radio show, the Grand Ole Opry. Reach out to SEARCH staff members, David Wilson (Area Director) and Greg Joiner to learn more about SEARCH Nashville. We’d love to be part of your experience here, too.

Dave Wilson min
David Wilson
Area Director
Meet David
Greg Joiner min
Dr. Greg Joiner
Area Staff
Meet Greg
John Vicary min
John Vicary
VP of Staff Development
Meet John
Quote Leaf

“'Wait, this is new information to me.' Turning to the rest of the table, 'Is this new information for anyone else in here?'”

Search participant

Invest in SEARCH

We are a registered 501 (c)(3) and as such all donations are tax deductible as allowed by law.

SEARCH Nashville is funded by friends like you who share our vision.

To give via check or online banking:

SEARCH Ministries
P.O. Box 165029
Fort Worth, TX 76161-5029

Please designate “Area 26 – Nashville” in the memo line.

To give appreciated assets, like stocks or bonds, or to give from a foundation, please email our national office or call 800-617-3272.