Welcome to SEARCH Charlotte

Charlotte was introduced to Search in 1992 when Davis and Valerie Kuykendall were invited to start a team after serving in the Northern Maryland area since 1990. The Queen City proved to be an irresistible opportunity to build relationships and help individuals explore life’s big questions and take their next step toward God. With a commitment to team ministry, Search Charlotte has enjoyed significant partnerships through the years with ministry-minded businesses and non-profits like Joe Gibbs Racing, Coca-Cola Consolidated, Beacon Partners, the YMCA of Greater Charlotte, Young Life, the Charlotte Leadership Forum, and a host of local area churches. Our team ministry begins with a great coalition of actively engaged volunteers on our Local Leadership Board and a staff complement that continues to expand. We prayed from day one for a staff team to form and grow; in 1999, our prayers were answered. Ken Schultz joined Search Charlotte and served with us for over 24 years. In our 31-year history, we have also been blessed by serving alongside Josh Moody, Chip Cash, and David Parsons. Today, Chad Blankenburg and Steve Gardner serve the people of Charlotte alongside Davis. Connect with the Search Charlotte team to learn more about what Search has going on in the community. 

Davis Kuykendall min
Davis Kuykendall
Area Staff
Meet Davis
Chad Blankenburg min
Chad Blankenburg
Area Staff
Meet Chad
Steve Gardner min
Steve Gardner
Area Director
Meet Steve
Quote Leaf

“The men of Search have been a steady presence in my life and have had a tremendously positive impact on my life.”

Local Leadership Board Member

Invest in SEARCH

We are a registered 501 (c)(3) and as such all donations are tax deductible as allowed by law.

SEARCH Charlotte is funded by friends like you who share our vision.

To give via check or online banking:

SEARCH Ministries
P.O. Box 165029
Fort Worth, TX 76161-5029

Please designate “Area #40 - Charlotte” in the memo line.

To give appreciated assets, like stocks or bonds, or to give from a foundation, please email our national office or call 800-617-3272.